Saturday, July 2, 2011

Support QueryAdvisor on Google PlusOne!

The new Google PlusOne button is now available on all content related pages of our QueryAdvisor site. The button is placed on most pages in the right column below the twitter and the other social bookmarking icons.

If you like what we are doing, why not supporting us with a CLICK on one of the Google PlusOne buttons on our QueryAdvisor site?

This will help us to detect the areas you are interested in and - yes - will help us in promoting our site a bit.

Thanks in advance thinking about supporting us!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Newsletter 1/2011 now available!

Our newsletter 1/2011 is now published in a new fresh design. You will find there information about the exciting new enhancements available in QueryAdvisor V2.90.

The most important new feature - the 360° Tracefile View is described in more detail with a detailed screenshot. There is nothing similar available for Oracle Tracefile Analysis so far!

The newsletter 1/2011 is available here for reading now!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Registration for QueryAdvisor Betatest started!

We are starting our official public betatest of QueryAdvisor now. Our target audience are Oracle database administrators independent from the releases they have worked with and the level of individual experience.

If you like to apply for becoming an official betatester with all benefits involved you will find additional information here.

The betatest will start with our new QueryAdvisor V2.90 release offering amazing new functionality in dealing with hugh amounts of Oracle event 10046 tracefiles.

Don't miss this opportunity and learn more here now!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New QueryAdvisor V2.90 Release End of April!

The new QueryAdvisor V2.90 release will be online end of April. Right now there are the final tests on bulk processing of Oracle trace files runnning.

This release should be the foundation of the overdue betatest. The new 360° views across all processed Oracle event 10046 trcfiles are available there for the first time. I think that crossreferencing all tracefiles and open cursors is a great feature and it was worth waiting!

Before I forget to mention: All licensekeys remain valid! An upgrade to QueryAdvisor V2.90 will therefor be straight forward:
1) Download the new QueryAdvisor release.
2) Deinstall the old installed software. Modified/New data is left untouched!
3) Install the current release of QueryAdvisor. Copy your own data to the same direcory.
4) During the start the used parameterfile will be updated on the fly but only stored after confirmation.

And VoilĂ ... Upgrade completed!

There will be a Tweet with a download link provided when our tests had been completed!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

SQL*Net and Transparent Network Substrate

SQL*Net is the software provided by Oracle to establish connections between local Oracle database clients and the related Oracle database instance or between two different Oracle database instances via database link. It is based on the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) protocol.

TNS is a generic logical protocol which could be executed on top of all common physical network protocols such as TCP/IP. It is based on individual logic packets which are mapped transparently to physical packets.

TNS must be able to handle the different Oracle database server connectivity scenarios:
- shared server database instance
- dedicated server database instance
- dedicated server bequeath connection
  (database client and database instance must be on the same hardware)

Visit the QueryAdvisor Knowledge Center to read more about the Transparent Network Substrate.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

YouTube Channel now Online!

We have loaded new videos to our QueryAdvisor Channel at YouTube. It would be great if you have the time to browse through. Probably there is room for improvement...

QueryAdvisor now on!

We have now our own blog at We will inform you there about new features and ideas. Your comments are highly welcomed! Come & See...